How to Make Money With Affiliate Marketing Without a Website?

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Can you make decent amount of money through affiliate marketing without setting up a website or blog?

Can you start making money even from the first day or first-week using affiliate marketing?

Do you want to know? How can you start selling products using affiliate marketing and earn up to $100 on every single referral? Without a website.

Do you want to know about some affiliate programs that don’t require a website or any technical skills to sell their products?

Are you eager to know about some top paying affiliate programs with almost zero competition?

Then, read this article because this article covers everything you need to know to start a profitable affiliate marketing without a website with zero competition?


  • Do You Need a Website For Affiliate Marketing?
  • Top Profitable Niche For Affiliate Marketing That Don’t Require Website
  • How You Can Make Money With Affiliate Marketing Without a Website?
  • Some examples of affiliate marketing without a website
  • Why they will buy from your link?
  • How to find best software launches to promote.
  • Why you should promote new launch software?
  • Conclusion

Note, This article may contain some affiliate links. These links are here not for our earnings but to provide you the best resources.

Do You Need a Website For Affiliate Marketing?

I was researching about affiliate marketing without a website or blog for the last few months.

And I was trying to figure out the way which can help in promoting affiliate links in zero competition.

I was wondering what if anybody who doesn’t have money to pay for setting up a website? Can he/she start doing affiliate marketing with zero investment with no website?

And I found a way by which anyone can start doing affiliate marketing even without a website with no investment.

That simply means anybody on this planet can start doing affiliate marketing. And can make a decent amount of money from affiliate marketing without setting up a website or blog.

Yes.! There are some niches exists that don’t need any website. Which can give you up to $100 or more in commission.

As you will read this article you will get to know about how you can make money from affiliate marketing without a website or blog?

But as of now keep in mind that you can start affiliate marketing without a website and you can earn money from it.

Top Profitable Niche For Affiliate Marketing That Don’t Require Website

The software niche is the top most profitable niche in which you can start doing affiliate marketing.

Along with you can make decent amount of money while promoting softwares without a website. The comission rate which is up to 50% or more.

And the best thing about this niche is you will get zero competition and good conversions while promoting any software if you follow the way which I tell you to promote softwares.

Why I am telling you to start with software niche?

Because it gives you the higher commission rates up to 50% and in some cases up to 70%.

It is easy to do.

If you choose to go with another niche. You will have to put your precious time and efforts to get some sales. After putting lot more time and efforts you will get the few or limited amount of commission and sales.

If you will want to earn more money you will have to drive more conversions. That means extra time and efforts again.

But what? If you can earn more while selling less with the same amount of time and effort.

I am pretty sure you will want to do that. Isn’t it?

So here with the software niche you can earn more while promoting less in the same or less amount of time which you were going to spend on promoting those products which have low commission rates.

You can sell less and earn more money in software niche because commission rates starts from 50% in that niche.

You will not need to set up a website or blog to promote any software.

But the question is, how you can start promoting software without website? Read the next section to know.

How You Can Make Money With Affiliate Marketing Without a Website?

YouTube is the best platform to promote software and you can start with YouTube with no investment.

But if you start promoting software directly to YouTube, you will get competition. So here I have researched for the things which can give you zero competition and you can start earning even from your first day.

What you need to do to cut the competition is little bit of research.

Yes, you heard it right you need a little bit of research to stay updated for the new software launch. Because you are going to promote those softwares which are going to launch in the next few days or weeks.

To promote new launches you will have to create a review channel on YouTube.

Note, try to get a few months older YouTube channel if you can, otherwise no problem you can start with a fresh channel also.

After creating A Youtube channel you have to upload the review videos of the new software launches. And in the description, you will have to provide your affiliate link so that your viewers can buy through your link.

Some examples of affiliate marketing without a website.

Here are the some YouTube review videos of some software launches which show you the idea of affiliate marketing without a website.

Example Video 1

Example video 2

Example video 3

Example video 4

Example video 5

These were the few of the examples of the affiliate marketing without a website.

Why they will buy from your link?

Because you are going to give them few more extra gifts, free ebooks, extra free courses, etc. along with the software if they buy through your link.

Just do the in depth reviews of the software on your channel and tell your visitors “I will give you some extra free courses or ebooks or gifts if you buy thorough my affiliate link and these courses are blaw blaw blaw..!”

Now tell them that how valuable the extra things are which you are going to give them for free because they are going to buy through your link.

Along with tell how the extra things can help them in their long life journey.

You can download the free and no copyrighted E-books from

FreePLRdowloads is the website which provides you free PLR and MRR with all the resell rights. You can use this site for your benefit.

Here is another website link of PDFescape to edit pdf for free with no watermark.

You can use PDFescape to edit the PLR which you have downloaded if you need.

How to find best software launches to promote.

You can use a website called MunchEYE. To get all the info about the recent and upcoming launches.

MunchEYE provides you all the info about the launch and the software that what the actual prise of the software is, how much commission you will earn while promoting the software.

Munch eye

As you will go to MunchEYE you will get three sections-

  • Big-Launches, in this section you will get all the info about the big launches which are going to be launch in few days or weeks.
  • All-Launches, in this section you will get all the big and small launches info.
  • Just-Launched, in this section you will get the info about the just launched products which has launched few days or weeks before.
Munch eye launch info

Here you can see all the info about the launch date, name of the software, price and commission rates.

Now pick up the best product which you can promote and get your affiliate link.

Note, MunchEYE is associated with JV-ZOO and Click-Bank. You can’t get your affiliate link directly through MunchEYE. You will have to sign-up or sign-in on JV-Zoo and Click-Bank to get your affiliate link. MunchEYe will only provide you info about Vendor, Product Name, Launch Date, Launch Time, Front-End Price, Commission, JV Page, Affiliate Network, and Niche. You can get your affiliate link by clicking on the JV-Page, as you will click on JV-Page you will redirected to the JV(Joint Venture) Page of the product.

On the JV-Page you will get the option to get my affiliate link. If you will click on that option you will be redirected to your affiliate network(JV-Zoo or Click-Bank) from their your can get your affiliate link.

Why you should promote new launch software?

Because you will face almost zero competition while promoting the upcoming launches.

You will not need to spend a single buck on running ads to get views and sales on your content.

Because there will be no or few information about that product on the internet which is going to launch next week.

Learning SEO can be tricky and time consuming especially as a beginner. But if you will promote the upcoming launches through the strategy which I told you to follow. You will not need to do SEO to get organic views on your content. Your content will always be at the top of YouTube.

Note, A new research which was held on keyword research says, about 50% of those users have buying intent who are searching internet for the review keyword.

You can take benefit of this research and get more review videos done to earn money as an affiliate marketer.

Your chances are higher to get conversion because here you are not promoting the launches to cold audiences neither you need to sell them. They already have buying intent but before buying they want to watch some reviews.

Just be the reviewer for them and earn by uploading a simple 10-15 min video.

Provide them good and best offers so that they buy through your link. And simply get money inside your pocket.


Doing affiliate marketing is very simple and easy but it takes proper strategies to do.

Here I have shared with you one of the best strategies to earn money using affiliate marketing without a website or blog even from the first day.

It is very easy to do and you will face no competition while promoting any launch if you follow this strategy.

My motive behind writing this article was to help you through your affiliate marketing journey.

So that you can start doing affiliate marketing without website.

Still, if you feel any catchy gap during this article or any doubt, suggestion, any help. Feel free to ask me in the comment section.


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