Affiliate Marketing is the process of generating money by promoting other brand’s or company’s products among your audience or people. If anyone of them buys any of the products(during the cookie period) which you are promoting. You get commission for it. Because you are helping other brands and companies in selling their products. For it brands and companies pay you commission, so that you can keep promoting their products and keep earning.

Affiliate marketing is one of the most amazing platform to start. Anyone on this planet can start affiliate marketing with zero or few investment. Believe me if you want to start affiliate marketing, you should start it today. And soon you will be generating tones of money.

The best thing about affiliate marketing is you can promote many brand’s products in return you can earn from all of them for promoting their products. A sales person typically promotes the products of just one brand only. But as an affiliate marketer you can promote the products of different brands as much as you want, and you can earn from all of them. And everything you do online by creating a website or with the help of you-tube or other social media platforms while sitting at one place only.